Pastoral Vacancy


(Download Vacancy Announcement)

Church Summary

The First Baptist Church of Steelton (TFBC) is currently accepting resumes for the position of Pastor for its Bible-centered and family-oriented congregation of approximately 75 to 100 members. TFBC of Steelton was established 142 years ago out of the African American experience as an expression of the love of God, God’s Leadership, and out of denominational heritage. TFBC is a vibrant and inclusive congregation dedicated to serving the community of Steelton and spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ.


TFBC of Steelton is seeking a Senior Pastor who emulates the characteristics of a leader as described in 1 Timothy 4:11-16 by modeling the behavior and lifestyle of a fully devoted follower of Christ. The candidate must also be prepared to work diligently to equip the people of God as dictated by Ephesians 4:11-13. These attributes will also be exhibited in the candidate’s ministry, personal life, as well as in his/her family relationships. The Senior Pastor must be prepared to lead the church in its mission to live out the Gospel and make disciples of all nations in this post-pandemic era. The successful candidate must also possess exceptional leadership qualities, strong biblical knowledge, a heart for pastoral care and outreach, and a thorough knowledge and understanding of virtual technology and ministry.


TFBC of Steelton is an equal opportunity employer seeking a full-time pastor, an ordained minister called by God to lead God’s people. The applicant must be knowledgeable of and ordained in the Baptist Doctrine; possess a minimum of a Master of Divinity degree from an accredited theological seminary, college, or university; and have five years of progressive pastoral leadership experience, along with clinical pastoral education; or a Bachelor Degree, combined with seven (7) years of experience as a pastor, including 3 years counseling/ clinical education and/or experience. The candidate must be of sound personal character; and must be above approach within and outside the church. The candidate must possess a strong moral and ethical compass, be a person of honesty and integrity; and possess a strong love and passion for the people of God and the work of the ministry. The candidate must have the proven ability to prepare and deliver stimulating and inspirational sermons, and a demonstrated aptitude and knowledge for Bible-based teaching. The candidate must also possess strong interpersonal and communication skills oral and written; have skilled counseling abilities: possess effective and strong organizational and leadership skills, and the ability to delegate responsibly. The candidate must be dedicated to fulfilling the mission of the church in harmony with God’s holy word.

Job Description

The Senior Pastor is responsible to the church to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, to teach the biblical revelation, to engage in pastoral care ministries, to provide administrative leadership in all areas of church life and ministry, and to act as the chief administrator.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:

  • Planning and conducting inspiring, impactful, and transformational worship services and experiences, preparing and delivering uplifting and inspiring sermons, and leading in observance of ordinances.
  • Conducting Bible-centered teaching through weekly bible studies and other related venues for teaching the word of God.
  • Displaying a teachable and approachable spirit, seeking continuous acquisition of biblical knowledge and its application and relevance to today’s life.
  • Enhancing and maintaining an Organized Christian Education Program which results in spiritual growth for both church leadership and members.
  • Leading in planning, executing, and evaluating comprehensive church programs of worship, education, evangelism, missions, and ministries of all ages; and collaborating with the worship team to plan services and participate in leading congregational worship celebrations.
  • Guiding the ministries of the Deacons, Deaconesses and Trustees by equipping them for the effective spiritual leadership of the church.
  • Updating and maintaining the virtual church services and bible study.
  • Providing leadership and support for in-house and outreach initiatives.
  • Providing leadership and working collaboratively and cooperatively with church officers and ministries.
  • Providing support, comfort, and encouragement to individuals and families in need through counseling, visitations and prayer.
  • Acting as moderator of church business meetings.
  • Conducting counseling sessions, wedding ceremonies and funeral services.
  • Cooperating with associational, state and interdenominational leaders, and cooperating with and supporting community issues and interests of concern to the well-being of the church and larger community.
  • Exhibiting the necessary financial acumen and fiduciary responsibility concerning the affairs of the church.
  • Developing and implement sound plans and programs which foster spiritual growth, discipleship, and Christian education for all ages with an emphasis on membership and generational growth.
  • Preparing and implementing detailed plans to improve and sustain healthy finances of the church.
  • Visiting nursing home members, hospital patients, independent senior living homes, and shut-in members; and bereaved church members.
  • Developing programs for the church such as drug education for youth, prison ministry, food bank, college scholarships, and tutoring students.
  • Overseeing  the day-to-day operations, supervising paid staff and ministers, and collaborating with church leaders to develop and implement strategic plans, objectives and policies.
  • Leading the church in planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and evaluating all church programs and ministries in conjunction with Deacons, Trustees, and Deaconesses.
  • Working with the church to continue the Legacy Campaign for the debt reduction plan of three years for outstanding loans.


1. A completed employment application may be obtained on the church’s website. (Online Version or Download Print Version)

2. Resume and letter of interest.

3. Recording of two recent sermons preached on different occasions. Using YouTube or Dropbox links are preferred.

4. Copy of license and certification of ordination

5. Verification of college and /or seminary degrees, seminary, or theological training/course work where applicable.

6. Three reference letters, excluding family members and relatives.

7.  The deadline for all applications is December 15, 2023. All information should be emailed or mailed to: or

The First Baptist Church of Steelton
Attn: Peter Speaks, Esquire Pastoral Vacancy Committee Chairperson
1850 S. 19th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17104